I know I've been missing around the book blogosphere and I want to explain why. I've had several surgeries this year and am finally finished with it all. (YAY!) My last surgery was at the end of June and during my recuperation time, I read like crazy. I'm not sure if this is linked to my reading struggles now but I have had such a difficult time since July when it comes to trying to get into a good book. This is one of the few reasons as to why I haven't been blogging. I've also had some issues with someone that was close to me when it came to taking content that I had originally posted. (I wish not to get into this but it is part of my story). During all of this mess, I started thinking about why I think so highly of my blog.
I've always loved reading since I was young and struggled with not only finding good books to read, but others who shared a reading interest like mine. When I was introduced into the book blogging world I was amazed by what I had been missing. Because of this and the fact that I have been struggling with my job status, I fully devoted myself to Uniquely Moi Books. This summer, when the events came into play about my content, it made me sit back and think long and hard as to why it bothered me and why I put so much into my blog.
I've come to realize that the time I spent with my blog was to replace the unhappiness with my job and I knew that this needed to change. I was stuck and used my blog as an outlet. I don't plan to quit blogging at all so this is not a goodbye! My first reason that I had stopped posting was because I was angry with the content mess. It continued because my dad had a boulder fall on him in August and I've had to take care of him while he recuperates. (He is doing good by the way). The last and now main reason as to why I haven't been posting is because I started going back to school in late August. I am majoring in Elementary Education and am doing great so far but still have a long way ahead of me. I feel like I have much to contribute to the world and teaching is the best place to go with it.
I've finally been able to fit in a bit of free time to read and I have found myself still struggling to get into a book. Everything I try and read ends up becoming very predictable or doesn't seem to hold my interest. The whole point of me starting a book blog in the first place was to share amazing books that I have read. I don't want to clog up my blog with promo posts, although they are informative, it is not my opinion if it is not in a review. Feel free to offer advice on my reading struggles because this is something that really bothers me and it's been a bit since I can sit down and read an entire book and not find it predictable or not interesting. I miss all of you and hope to work through all of this soon. Thank you all so much for taking interest in Uniquely Moi Books.
Friday, November 8, 2024
Thursday, July 25, 2024
(Repost) Review: Linked by Judy Serrano
by Judy Serrano
Published by: GMTA Publishing
Released on: May 9, 2024
Pages: 334
Rating: 4/5
*Please note, this review was based from an ARC*
I was pleasantly surprised when Judy Serrano contacted me to review the first novel in her newest series. I love her work so I wanted to be surprised going into it and did not read the blurb. What I discovered was shocking and left me desperate for answers. Fast paced, action packed, and romance laced, Linked will have you mesmerized.
Daphne is a fill-in substitute teacher that just wants a stable job doing what she loves. Trying her hardest but working with teens, she thinks she's doing rather well until she gets notification that one of the parents wants a conference with her. What she expected to walk through the classroom door is not what she received. Not in the least.
Charlie Cross is total eye candy and there is an instant connection between the two. Honesty is laid out on the table, he admits to his unhappy marriage and the separation. Daphne can deal with this. It's all good. At least, that's what she thinks. Surprise characters rise to the surface causing delight and much trouble.
When Daphne realizes that there's more to Charlie than she ever thought possible, he acts out on it all and takes advantage. She thought she could get used to the idea but Charlie isn't letting that happen. Luckily, there's another man willing to accept Daphne with open arms. Heathcliff is special in his own way but it's something they can work on together. When you become "linked" it makes all the difference in the world.
Received for review from the author.
by Judy Serrano
Published by: GMTA Publishing
Released on: May 9, 2024
Pages: 334
Rating: 4/5
*Please note, this review was based from an ARC*
I was pleasantly surprised when Judy Serrano contacted me to review the first novel in her newest series. I love her work so I wanted to be surprised going into it and did not read the blurb. What I discovered was shocking and left me desperate for answers. Fast paced, action packed, and romance laced, Linked will have you mesmerized.
Daphne is a fill-in substitute teacher that just wants a stable job doing what she loves. Trying her hardest but working with teens, she thinks she's doing rather well until she gets notification that one of the parents wants a conference with her. What she expected to walk through the classroom door is not what she received. Not in the least.
Charlie Cross is total eye candy and there is an instant connection between the two. Honesty is laid out on the table, he admits to his unhappy marriage and the separation. Daphne can deal with this. It's all good. At least, that's what she thinks. Surprise characters rise to the surface causing delight and much trouble.
When Daphne realizes that there's more to Charlie than she ever thought possible, he acts out on it all and takes advantage. She thought she could get used to the idea but Charlie isn't letting that happen. Luckily, there's another man willing to accept Daphne with open arms. Heathcliff is special in his own way but it's something they can work on together. When you become "linked" it makes all the difference in the world.
Received for review from the author.
Friday, July 12, 2024
Sporadically Inspired By Blog Tour and Giveaway
This is the last stop on the Sporadically Inspired By Blog Tour. Today I have an ebook giveaway for you guys but first, let's find out a bit more about Ashley.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The story of my life is one that’s still being written, it’s about a girl named Ashley that had to go through a few chapters before she learned how she wanted to live the rest of the story. I could take you through moment after moment that got me to where I am now; in fact I’d have to take you through every single one. So instead I’ll just give you some highlights. Around May 2009 after seeing 17 Again at the movies it inspired me to pick up writing. I couldn’t tell you what it was about that one movie that was different from the tons of others I had fallen in love with over the years that finally shined light on what I had been trying to figure out since I was first asked what I wanted to be when I grew up; but there it was…my dream realized. It’s funny how after you reach that moment, you can’t believe you didn’t think of it sooner…I’ve loved movies since I was a kid and played The Little Mermaid on repeat, and had always been a daydreamer who loved coming up with a good story. I started writing my ideas in script format for movies and then decided to try one of my ideas as a book.
I’m just a girl from a small town with a big dream. Classic story…think you’ve heard it a thousand times…well I’d like to think mine’s unique. Maybe not extreme or extravagant to everyone; but to me…to me it’s a fairy tale. Oh don’t get me wrong it’s also a comedy, a horror film (you know how bad hair days can be lol), one with action, love, tears, and inspiration…but it’s my story, and it’s one of kind.
I use to think dreams were…well just that, dreams; nothing but thoughts and wishes that you kept stored away for a day you didn’t know would come or not. But then I thought why should it be like that? Seemed like a tragedy really, to keep all my dreams in my head instead of experiencing them for real. So instead I decided I wanted to live my dreams and make them my reality…make them my ‘normal’…if there is such a thing a normal lol. It won’t be easy, who knows where it will take me, or how long it will take to get there…but I can promise one thing…it’ll be one amazing ride!Forever Inspired
Sometimes, in a small
community, it can be difficult to find reality in big dreams. Samantha can't
wait to get out of town to start her life and move on from sad memories. Morgan
isn't learning from the past, and Charlotte may be forced to make a hard choice
over following her dreams. It's Cali's story from which the girls find their
inspiration. They believe her story is a fictional cult classic that each have
read over and over. It encourages them to follow their hearts.
In the end, however, it could be Cali who needs
the most help turning her sporadic inspirations into reality. . . again.
Sporadically Inspired By is written in a unique
style similar to a screenplay.
Monday, July 1, 2024
Swag Tag- The July Sign Up List

So, the idea for this came to me while I was thinking about some of the swag that I used to have and gave away and later, read the books, fell in love, and really wish I hadn't gave my goodies away. I desperately want them back. The purpose isn't to only find lost swag out there, but hopefully establish friendships with fellow bloggers. It's a cheap and easy way to connect, receive goodies in the mail, and make connections. I do hope you enjoy what I have put together. Oh, did I mention that some FABULOUS authors have sent swag so that I can put together a package to send to one lucky participant every month?? The picture of this months prize is below. If you have suggestions or concerns, feel free to email me.
Have Swag?
Pass some along to others.
Looking for Swag?
Fill out the form and maybe someone will have what you're looking for. It's ok if you just want some swag too. We all do!
Don't have Swag but still want to Participate?
It's all good. Just send someone a note. We all love mail as long as it isn't bills, I'm sure. Small notes just saying hi or saying something thoughtful can really brighten ones day.
Pass it On!
Yes guys, if you receive something, I can't make you send something to someone else, but I do encourage you to.
Don't have a Blog?
It's okay. When filling out the form, just enter N/A in the section where it asks for you blog info.
Join the July List here
I don't know how well this idea will hold up guys. Help spread the word and add your name to the list! Just add your name and if you want to send something to someone, send them an email to get their address. Please DO NOT add your mailing address to the list. In doing this, please don't forget our international people. Swag is only a few dollars to mail out of the country.
View the July Entries here
This month's swag package giveaway includes all of the below.
One winner will be chosen from random from the July Sign-up list. Special thank you's go out to all of the authors for donating.
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Review: The Elephant of Surprise by Brent Hartinger
The Elephant of Surprise
by Brent Hartinger
Published on: January 10, 2024
Published by: Buddha Kitty Books
266 Pages
Rating: 4/5
Although this is the fourth book in The Russel Middlebrook Series, it would make as a good standalone. It gives enough info to fill you in on what's going on and hold a good storyline throughout to keep your interest at attention. Russel is known as the main character but I found myself having far more interest in the life of his best friend Min. I feel as if she has more drama throughout this novel than Russel.
Russel does realize that living with a long distance relationship isn't cut out for all that it's worth. Having to deal with those problems are easy. It's helping Min through her crisis at hand that will prove the most difficult. It's obvious that something secretive is going on, but the outcome of it is the biggest mystery of all.
Received for review purposes from the author.
by Brent Hartinger
Published on: January 10, 2024
Published by: Buddha Kitty Books
266 Pages
Rating: 4/5
Although this is the fourth book in The Russel Middlebrook Series, it would make as a good standalone. It gives enough info to fill you in on what's going on and hold a good storyline throughout to keep your interest at attention. Russel is known as the main character but I found myself having far more interest in the life of his best friend Min. I feel as if she has more drama throughout this novel than Russel.
Russel does realize that living with a long distance relationship isn't cut out for all that it's worth. Having to deal with those problems are easy. It's helping Min through her crisis at hand that will prove the most difficult. It's obvious that something secretive is going on, but the outcome of it is the biggest mystery of all.
Received for review purposes from the author.
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Because You're Awesome 3 Book Giveaway
I wanted to offer something really good for you guys because you have been so great to me and I haven't been around much lately. So, here's what I have in store. Three books, two of which are released, the other will be preordered. The giveaway is international. I am going to leave it up to you on what book you want to preorder but I am going to give some suggestions. You do NOT have to choose my suggestions.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
If I can get 1200 entries by Saturday then I'll add a $10 Gift card to Amazon. Happy reading everyone!
The first two books being offered are:
I have this book but haven't read it yet. I chose this one because I have heard so many great things about it.
I have read this book and need to buy my own personal hard copy for myself. I loved this book and want to spread the word on it. That's why I'm offering this one! I hope the winner loves it as much as I did.
The last book is winners choice of preorder.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Friday, June 21, 2024
Blog Tour Host Directory Sign-Ups
It seems like more and more tour hosts are popping up. I have no clue as to how many there are but it seems like several. I have also been asked to recommend tour hosts. So all of this has got me to thinking, are there any tour hosts or authors out there that think they would benefit with a list or directory of some sort? Possibly going by genre? I have included a form to fill out and if I get enough people interested in joining, I'll be working on setting one up next week. If there is anything else that I should add to the form or would be helpful when finding a host, please let me know.
Monday, June 17, 2024
Review: Sylo by D.J. MacHale
by D.J. MacHale
Published by: Razorbill
Released on: July 2, 2024
407 Pages
Rating: 5/5
*Please note, this review was based from an ARC*
From the beginning, all the way to the end, this book leaves you clueless on what's really going on. It keeps you in the dark and guessing at every moment. Not only do you not know what's going on, the characters are left to sort things out as if putting a puzzle together in the dark. I loved this book!
All is wonderful on Pemberwick Island and Tucker is at his football game, thinking about girls, and wanting to win. Just like all the other guys there. But when one of the star players drops dead with no reason and no clues, people start asking questions.
Tucker now has to fill that position on the team and is sure that with all the brutal practices, he'll be the next one to drop dead, but when more people are found, he's not the only one suspicious. Sneaking out at night to go on a late run and clear his mind, Tucker and a friend see something far from normal and even further from explainable. And when troops with badges on the sleeve, sporting the words SYLO on them, the town goes into panic mode.
The government has issued a lock-down and SYLO is there to help. That's what's being said anyway. But when people get locked up for asking questions, it's SYLO that starts becoming feared. Tucker sets out to find out what's really going on with SYLO, the outside world, and this stuff called Ruby that's being passed around behind closed doors. Just when you think he's getting close, more and more questions arise.
Received from Penguin for review purposes.
by D.J. MacHale
Published by: Razorbill
Released on: July 2, 2024
407 Pages
Rating: 5/5
*Please note, this review was based from an ARC*
From the beginning, all the way to the end, this book leaves you clueless on what's really going on. It keeps you in the dark and guessing at every moment. Not only do you not know what's going on, the characters are left to sort things out as if putting a puzzle together in the dark. I loved this book!
All is wonderful on Pemberwick Island and Tucker is at his football game, thinking about girls, and wanting to win. Just like all the other guys there. But when one of the star players drops dead with no reason and no clues, people start asking questions.
Tucker now has to fill that position on the team and is sure that with all the brutal practices, he'll be the next one to drop dead, but when more people are found, he's not the only one suspicious. Sneaking out at night to go on a late run and clear his mind, Tucker and a friend see something far from normal and even further from explainable. And when troops with badges on the sleeve, sporting the words SYLO on them, the town goes into panic mode.
The government has issued a lock-down and SYLO is there to help. That's what's being said anyway. But when people get locked up for asking questions, it's SYLO that starts becoming feared. Tucker sets out to find out what's really going on with SYLO, the outside world, and this stuff called Ruby that's being passed around behind closed doors. Just when you think he's getting close, more and more questions arise.
Received from Penguin for review purposes.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Where I've Been
I feel like I owe everyone an explanation for my blog sitting dormant recently. I had yet another surgery a couple weeks ago. This time it was for carpal tunnel on my left hand and carbital tunnel in my left elbow. I will be going out again for a third surgery next Thursday for carbital tunnel in my right elbow. After that, I should hopefully be all healed and much better. In the meantime, Amy from Lady Reader's Bookstuff and I have taken over the YA Book Blogger Directory and we've been working on going through the list and deleting all the blogs that are shut down or inactive. Once this is finished, we can begin adding new blogs. I'm excited to go through the list and find more new book blogs. There are so many that I still stumble across that I never knew about. If you have added your blog to the list, please be patient There are many to go through and add, but we will get you on the list soon. In the meantime, happy reading everyone!
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Review: Double Feature by Brent Hartinger
Double Feature
by Brent Hartinger
Published by: Self
Released on: November 24, 2024
267 Pages
Rating: 3/5
This is the third installment of The Russel Middlebrook series. The beginning events of this book does make it worth the read, I just didn't expect the second half to come out the way it did. An interesting concept, but I just felt like I was rereading much of it over again.
The time has come that Russel's parents finally hear what their son has been up to and what the club he attends every week is about. He isn't prepared for their questions but is honest and forthcoming with his answers. He definitely stands firm in his beliefs and feelings.
The other exciting and interesting thing is that there is a movie that is taking place and they are looking for teens to fill the roles of zombies. I found that concept to be neat. It's when the second part of the book starts, which is a different perspective, looking in on Russel's life,that I had troubles getting into. It did offer more to the story, it just didn't grab me like I hoped it would.
Received for review purposes from the author.
by Brent Hartinger
Published by: Self
Released on: November 24, 2024
267 Pages
Rating: 3/5
This is the third installment of The Russel Middlebrook series. The beginning events of this book does make it worth the read, I just didn't expect the second half to come out the way it did. An interesting concept, but I just felt like I was rereading much of it over again.
The time has come that Russel's parents finally hear what their son has been up to and what the club he attends every week is about. He isn't prepared for their questions but is honest and forthcoming with his answers. He definitely stands firm in his beliefs and feelings.
The other exciting and interesting thing is that there is a movie that is taking place and they are looking for teens to fill the roles of zombies. I found that concept to be neat. It's when the second part of the book starts, which is a different perspective, looking in on Russel's life,that I had troubles getting into. It did offer more to the story, it just didn't grab me like I hoped it would.
Received for review purposes from the author.
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Review: Beauty by Nancy Ohlin
by Nancy Ohlin
Published by: Simon Pulse
Released on: May 7, 2024
175 Pages
Rating: 4/5
Ana has known her place for many years now. Growing up under the Queen's beautiful shadow, she knows that looks are the most important thing to her mother. Nobody should ever attempt to be at the same level as the Queen. Even if it's her own daughter.
Never being able to experience life in it's fullest, Ana knows that if her mother is happy, then that is all that should matter. If only the woman would give her some attention every now and then, all would be perfect. She's alright with not bathing or brushing her hair. Setting of a radar within the Queen that her daughter could ever be beautiful would lead to such tragic events.
It's when Ana starts hearing of other girls getting accepted into a private school only allowed for the elite, that something in Ana stirs. She wants to be accepted. She wants to be loved. This is her chance of finally being open and herself. She can be away from her mother's watchful eye and flourish.
The school isn't what anyone had expected. Certainly not Ana. And as time goes by, she learns what the school's main purpose is, just as her mother learns hidden truths.
Received from Simon & Schuster for review purposes.
by Nancy Ohlin
Published by: Simon Pulse
Released on: May 7, 2024
175 Pages
Rating: 4/5
Ana has known her place for many years now. Growing up under the Queen's beautiful shadow, she knows that looks are the most important thing to her mother. Nobody should ever attempt to be at the same level as the Queen. Even if it's her own daughter.
Never being able to experience life in it's fullest, Ana knows that if her mother is happy, then that is all that should matter. If only the woman would give her some attention every now and then, all would be perfect. She's alright with not bathing or brushing her hair. Setting of a radar within the Queen that her daughter could ever be beautiful would lead to such tragic events.
It's when Ana starts hearing of other girls getting accepted into a private school only allowed for the elite, that something in Ana stirs. She wants to be accepted. She wants to be loved. This is her chance of finally being open and herself. She can be away from her mother's watchful eye and flourish.
The school isn't what anyone had expected. Certainly not Ana. And as time goes by, she learns what the school's main purpose is, just as her mother learns hidden truths.
Received from Simon & Schuster for review purposes.
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Review: The Book of Broken Hearts by Sarah Ockler
The Book of Broken Hearts
by Sarah Ockler
Published by: Simon Pulse
Released on: May 21, 2024
368 Pages
Rating: 5/5
*Please note, this review was based from an ARC*
I was pleasantly surprised by this book. The synopsis is great but holds nothing to what is inside. Sarah Ockler has filled it with such a strong and powerful story that is so unlike so many out there. I bonded easily with the characters and fell deeply into the story line. The Book of Broken Hearts is a definite read by all.
We learn that Jude is the youngest of all her siblings. Living in a household full of sisters has definitely taught her a thing or two but what she's about to embark on throughout this summer, nothing could've prepared her for. I loved how strongly bonded all of the sisters were, but still felt kind of sorry for Jude. She is the last one in the house and never got to bond as much as the others. More importantly, she was never properly inducted into the Book of Broken Hearts.
Jude had many plans for the summer but when her Papi started showing more frequent signs of his illness, she knows that he is her number one priority. Throughout the summer and her Papi's growing illness she meets Emilio Vargas. He comes to be everything that Jude needs through this difficult time. He's also the one thing that will cause her much trouble.
Received for review purposes from Simon & Schuster.
by Sarah Ockler
Published by: Simon Pulse
Released on: May 21, 2024
368 Pages
Rating: 5/5
*Please note, this review was based from an ARC*
I was pleasantly surprised by this book. The synopsis is great but holds nothing to what is inside. Sarah Ockler has filled it with such a strong and powerful story that is so unlike so many out there. I bonded easily with the characters and fell deeply into the story line. The Book of Broken Hearts is a definite read by all.
We learn that Jude is the youngest of all her siblings. Living in a household full of sisters has definitely taught her a thing or two but what she's about to embark on throughout this summer, nothing could've prepared her for. I loved how strongly bonded all of the sisters were, but still felt kind of sorry for Jude. She is the last one in the house and never got to bond as much as the others. More importantly, she was never properly inducted into the Book of Broken Hearts.
Jude had many plans for the summer but when her Papi started showing more frequent signs of his illness, she knows that he is her number one priority. Throughout the summer and her Papi's growing illness she meets Emilio Vargas. He comes to be everything that Jude needs through this difficult time. He's also the one thing that will cause her much trouble.
Received for review purposes from Simon & Schuster.
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Swag Tag- The June List

So, the idea for this came to me while I was thinking about some of the swag that I used to have and gave away and later read the books, fell in love, and really wish I hadn't gave my goodies away. I desperately want them back. The purpose isn't to only find lost swag out there, but hopefully establish friendships with fellow bloggers. It's a cheap and easy way to connect, receive goodies in the mail, and make connections. I do hope you enjoy what I have put together. Oh, did I mention that some FABULOUS authors have sent swag so that I can put together a package to send to one lucky participant every month?? The picture of this months prize is below. If you have suggestions or concerns, feel free to email me.
Have Swag?
Pass some along to others.
Looking for Swag?
Fill out the form and maybe someone will have what you're looking for. It's ok if you just want some swag too. We all do!
Don't have Swag but still want to Participate?
It's all good. Just send someone a note. We all love mail as long as it isn't bills, I'm sure. Small notes just saying hi or saying something thoughtful can really brighten ones day.
Pass it On!
Yes guys, if you receive something, I can't make you send something to someone else, but I do encourage you to.
Don't have a Blog?
It's okay. When filling out the form, just enter N/A in the section where it asks for you blog info.
Join the June list here
I don't know how well this idea will hold up guys. Help spread the word and add your name to the list! Just add your name and if you want to send something to someone, send them an email to get their address. Please DO NOT add your mailing address to the list. In doing this, please don't forget our international people. Swag is only a few dollars to mail out of the country.
View the list of entries here
I don't know how well this idea will hold up guys. Help spread the word and add your name to the list! Just add your name and if you want to send something to someone, send them an email to get their address. Please DO NOT add your mailing address to the list. In doing this, please don't forget our international people. Swag is only a few dollars to mail out of the country.
View the list of entries here
June's swag package giveaway (special thank you shout out's to Elaine Wolf, J.H. Trumble, Kathleen Peacock, Jessica Spotswood, Wendy Higgins, Chelsea Pitcher, Jessica Brody, Leigh Fallon, Polly Holyoke, K.M. Walton, and Mindy McGinnis.
Review: Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo
Siege and Storm
by Leigh Bardugo
Published by: Henry Holt
Released on: June 4, 2024
448 Pages
Rating: 4/5
*Please note, this review was based from an ARC*
Siege and Storm is the second book in The Grisha Trilogy. I fell deeply in love with Shadow and Bone and couldn't wait for this one. I definitely enjoyed it, but I can say that the first book is my favorite so far.
Full of action, mystery, and high levels of fantasy, the journey that Alina must take is far beyond your normal imagination. As she embarks on her new life and an identity that must be kept hidden, she sees things through a different perspective. She also knows that deep inside herself, she has the ability to take charge and do what's necessary to help keep things safe for everyone. With so many tough choices ahead, and consequences that can effect so many, Alina really has her work cut out for her. She must stay strong. She is powerful and she is determined. Let's hope that is enough.
Received from Macmillan for review.
by Leigh Bardugo
Published by: Henry Holt
Released on: June 4, 2024
448 Pages
Rating: 4/5
*Please note, this review was based from an ARC*
Siege and Storm is the second book in The Grisha Trilogy. I fell deeply in love with Shadow and Bone and couldn't wait for this one. I definitely enjoyed it, but I can say that the first book is my favorite so far.
Full of action, mystery, and high levels of fantasy, the journey that Alina must take is far beyond your normal imagination. As she embarks on her new life and an identity that must be kept hidden, she sees things through a different perspective. She also knows that deep inside herself, she has the ability to take charge and do what's necessary to help keep things safe for everyone. With so many tough choices ahead, and consequences that can effect so many, Alina really has her work cut out for her. She must stay strong. She is powerful and she is determined. Let's hope that is enough.
Received from Macmillan for review.
Friday, May 31, 2024
Books For Trade
I have several books that are filling my shelves that I would like to trade. I have included a form to fill out along with books I'm interested in trading for. If you are interested in one of my books but don't have one on my wishlist, please let me know and maybe we can still work something out. Most all copies listed are new or gently used. If you have any questions, please email me or include them when filling out the form. Happy reading!
My Wishlist
When God Was a Rabbit by SarahWinman (any form)
Bewitching by Alex Flinn (paperback)
Fallout by Ellen Hopkins (hardcover)
Glass by Ellen Hopkins (hardcover)
Collateral by Ellen Hopkins (hardcover)
Perfect by Ellen Hopkins (hardcover)
Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys (hardcover)
The Program by Suzanne Young (hardcover)
The Book of Broken Hearts by Sarah Ockler (hardcover)
Island of Lost Girls by JenniferMcMahon (paperback)
Crossed by Allie Condie (hardcover)
Reached by Allie Condie (hardcover)
The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There by Catherynne Valente (hardcover)
A Touch Mortal by Leah Clifford (hardcover)
A Touch Morbid by Leah Clifford (hardcover)
A Touch Menacing by Leah Clifford (hardcover)
Born of Illusion by Teri Brown (hardcover)
My Wishlist
When God Was a Rabbit by SarahWinman (any form)
Bewitching by Alex Flinn (paperback)
Fallout by Ellen Hopkins (hardcover)
Glass by Ellen Hopkins (hardcover)
Collateral by Ellen Hopkins (hardcover)
Perfect by Ellen Hopkins (hardcover)
Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys (hardcover)
The Program by Suzanne Young (hardcover)
The Book of Broken Hearts by Sarah Ockler (hardcover)
Island of Lost Girls by JenniferMcMahon (paperback)
Crossed by Allie Condie (hardcover)
Reached by Allie Condie (hardcover)
The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There by Catherynne Valente (hardcover)
A Touch Mortal by Leah Clifford (hardcover)
A Touch Morbid by Leah Clifford (hardcover)
A Touch Menacing by Leah Clifford (hardcover)
Born of Illusion by Teri Brown (hardcover)
Friday, May 24, 2024
Review: Wide Open by Deborah Coates
Wide Open
by Deborah Coates
Published by: Tor
Released on: March 13, 2024
304 Pages
Rating: 4/5
Wide Open is definitely different from the normal read. Deborah Coates definitely has a way of holding her readers, leaving them yearning for more. This was a great change for me and I am incredibly eager to begin the second book in the series called Deep Down.
While being overseas and fighting in a war is hard enough, Sergeant Hallie Micheals is about to discover that her life is going to become that much more difficult. Receiving a phone call informing her of her sisters sudden death, she rushes off to her hometown.
Upon arrival with absolutely no calls from her father, preparing her for what is to come, she hears the cause of her sisters death. She knows the story can't be right, She knew her sister all to well for something like that to happen. And she makes it her top priority to find out the truth and what's really going on.
The mysteries that she uncovers leaves her that much more confused and desperate to find out what everyone is hiding. Being on a ten day leave makes it that much more challenging. If she ever reaches the truth of what's going on in this town and the real cause of her sister's death, will she even be able to do anything about it? Or will it be for nothing?
Received from Tor for review purposes.
by Deborah Coates
Published by: Tor
Released on: March 13, 2024
304 Pages
Rating: 4/5
Wide Open is definitely different from the normal read. Deborah Coates definitely has a way of holding her readers, leaving them yearning for more. This was a great change for me and I am incredibly eager to begin the second book in the series called Deep Down.
While being overseas and fighting in a war is hard enough, Sergeant Hallie Micheals is about to discover that her life is going to become that much more difficult. Receiving a phone call informing her of her sisters sudden death, she rushes off to her hometown.
Upon arrival with absolutely no calls from her father, preparing her for what is to come, she hears the cause of her sisters death. She knows the story can't be right, She knew her sister all to well for something like that to happen. And she makes it her top priority to find out the truth and what's really going on.
The mysteries that she uncovers leaves her that much more confused and desperate to find out what everyone is hiding. Being on a ten day leave makes it that much more challenging. If she ever reaches the truth of what's going on in this town and the real cause of her sister's death, will she even be able to do anything about it? Or will it be for nothing?
Received from Tor for review purposes.
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Review: The Program by Suzanne Young
The Program
by Suzanne Young
Published by: Simon Pulse
Released on: April 30, 2024
416 Pages
Rating: 5/5
*Please note, this review was based from an ARC copy*
Let me start by saying that The Program has demanded it's way into by top 10 for 2013. I read many books every year but when you get one that screams when opened, I know it will be added to the list of favorites.
My copy is an ARC so I'm not too sure if the published copy is like this, but there are three parts to the story and every part begins at page one, so it's like three stories inside. This is the first I have seen of this and really found it interesting.
The story is about a time when a massively high amount of youth suffer from severe depression and thus, commit suicide if given the opportunity. There has been much work into helping save the kids and close observation is made for everyone. If signs are showing, they are whisked off to a place that everyone in their right mind fears. A place that alters your state of mind, making the children lose their memories and allowing them to return back to their lives as someone that they are not. Someone incredibly different than who they were because they have lost that person along the way. The children are said to be recovered, but anyone in their right mind knows better.
Sloane has had many friends and family that have committed suicide. She has all eyes on her now and can't even get the time she so deserves to grieve for her lost loved ones. She knows that the life she lives will end up getting disrupted and makes quick decision to hide her past so her future won't be left blank. Her journey is far more unpredictable than anyone could imagine.
Received from Simon & Schuster for review purposes.
by Suzanne Young
Published by: Simon Pulse
Released on: April 30, 2024
416 Pages
Rating: 5/5
*Please note, this review was based from an ARC copy*
Let me start by saying that The Program has demanded it's way into by top 10 for 2013. I read many books every year but when you get one that screams when opened, I know it will be added to the list of favorites.
My copy is an ARC so I'm not too sure if the published copy is like this, but there are three parts to the story and every part begins at page one, so it's like three stories inside. This is the first I have seen of this and really found it interesting.
The story is about a time when a massively high amount of youth suffer from severe depression and thus, commit suicide if given the opportunity. There has been much work into helping save the kids and close observation is made for everyone. If signs are showing, they are whisked off to a place that everyone in their right mind fears. A place that alters your state of mind, making the children lose their memories and allowing them to return back to their lives as someone that they are not. Someone incredibly different than who they were because they have lost that person along the way. The children are said to be recovered, but anyone in their right mind knows better.
Sloane has had many friends and family that have committed suicide. She has all eyes on her now and can't even get the time she so deserves to grieve for her lost loved ones. She knows that the life she lives will end up getting disrupted and makes quick decision to hide her past so her future won't be left blank. Her journey is far more unpredictable than anyone could imagine.
Received from Simon & Schuster for review purposes.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Giveaway: ARC of September Girls
Interested in winning an ARC of September Girls? I have a copy that I would like to pass along.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

When Sam's dad whisks him and his brother off to a remote beach town for the summer, he's all for it-- at first. Sam soon realizes, though, that this place is anything but ordinary. Time seems to slow down around here, and everywhere he looks, there are beautiful blond girls. Girls who seem inexplicably drawn to him.
Then Sam meets DeeDee, one of the Girls, and she's different from the others. Just as he starts to fall for her, she pulls away, leaving him more confused than ever. He knows that if he's going to get her back, he'll have to uncover the secret of this beach and the girls who live here.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The Butterfly Migration Cover Contest (2-$25 Gift Cards and ebook)
The Butterfly Migration Cover Contest
The rules are simple.
- Copy and save the cover image from this post.
- Make it as many profile pictures and avatars as possible.
MySpace *Yes I just went there*
- Tweet and tag Mia Castile so she knows to add your name to the drawing.
- The winners will be picked June 5, 2024
What you get:
winners will be drawn randomly, and the more places you put the image
the more chances you have to win. Eligibility is also dependent on
keeping the cover as your profile picture through the end of the
contest. Each winner will receive an e-copy of The Butterfly Migration
and a $25.00 Amazon gift card.
Copy and paste the following messages for easy entry:
The Butterfly Migration will be available on May 21st. I want to win a free e-copy from @Mia Castile
The Butterfly Migration drops 5.21 @miacastile I want to win a free e-copy and amazon gift card #tbm #tbc
#tbm #tbc #Thebutterflymigration drops 5.21. I want to win a free e-copy from @miacastile and #entwinedpublishing
may have to friend and follow Mia if you don’t already, but remember the
more places you put the cover the more chances you have to win.
Facebook: Mia Castile
Twitter: @miacastile
Instagram: @miacastile
Google+ : Mia Castile
The New Myspace: Mia Castile
Pinterest: Mia Castile
There are two different sizes to choose from. Take your pick!
Monday, May 13, 2024
Giveaway: Generations by Mia Castile
Up for grabs today is one copy of Generations: Book of Enlightenment by Mia Castile and some swag to go with it.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Ellie Solomon has always been sort of a loner. Between her brother(who is the only family she has left) and a few friends (that are more his friends than hers) she lives a boring life. The one person she confides in is her Guardian Angel who visits her dreams. He is her best friend, too bad he's not real. When strange wolves with red eyes begin chasing her one evening, a mysterious boy and his dog saves her, catapulting her into the secret of Her parents fate and who she really is. Together, with her new friends she embarks on a journey that leads her to the destiny of her Generation.
Open to everyone
Winner must respond within 48 hours
Friday, May 10, 2024
Escaping Darkness Book Blast ($50 giftcard and ebook giveaway)

A long time enthusiast of things that go bump in the night, Theresa began her writing career as a journalism intern—possibly the least creative writing field out there. After her first semester at a local newspaper, she washed her hands of press releases and feature articles to delve into the whimsical world of young adult and new adult paranormal and contemporary romance.
Since then, Theresa has been married, had three terrific kids, moved to central Ohio, and was repeatedly guilt tripped into adopting a menagerie of animals that are now members of the family. But don’t be fooled by her domesticated appearance. Her greatest love is travel. Having traveled to over a dozen countries and explored dozens of U.S. states—including an extended seven-year stay in Kodiak, Alaska—she is anything but settled down. But wherever life brings her, Theresa will continue to weave tales of adventure and love with the hope her stories will bring joy and inspiration to her readers.

She may have spent years in an asylum, but that didn’t make her crazy-just fearless.
Dropped in Moscow with her friends on an impossible mission against underworld forces, Tara is left to her feelings of overwhelming inadequacy. Her boyfriend is a healer, her best friend is “the Guardian,” and everyone else is a powerhouse of awesome strengths. The only thing she has been able to contribute are her memories, which has left her with nightmares of her time spent at the mercy of the evil Sarian-who everyone has gone to fight.
Alone with her emotions, Tara finds herself falling into a city of depravity and corruption. And amidst all this evil is a young man with an agenda of his own, who leads her down a road that will either prove she is a hero at heart, or drag her into a world she’s always feared.
He wants revenge, she wants redemption. And in an underground rings of missing girls and bloody sacrifices, only the fearless can survive…
Find out what the Paranormal Romance Guild had to say here!
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
The Stone Guardian
Book 1 in the Stone Legacy series
Thursday, May 9, 2024
First Kiss by Ann Marie Frohoff Cover Reveal + Giveaway
Author, Ann Marie Frohoff, reveals the cover for her debut novel, FIRST KISS, book one in her edgy hard-hitting trilogy, Heavy Influence. You can find out more information on her book website at www.facebook.com/heavyinfluence. FIRST KISS is due to release June 11th, 2013. You can get hooked on the series by downloading her prequel novella, SKID OUT, on Goodreads for FREE at http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12641062-skid-out.
Ann Marie ("Annie") Frohoff grew up in sunny Southern California. As a teen and young adult she spent her time frequenting and living in nearly every beachside city up and down the coast.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
It was all about the band, until the girl next door. Her innocence is tempting. A sexually charged coming of age story set in the throes of stardom.
About an up and coming teenage rocker on the verge of stardom, when the girl next door becomes something more; they're forced to face the harsh realities on his road to fame and the expectations of their friends and family. Sacrifices are made as everything changes as they know it.
Release Date: June 11, 2024
Pages: 483
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary

The first installment in her Heavy Influence Trilogy, FIRST KISS, is tentatively set to release June 11, 2024 — The series is a story about young, reckless love between a rising rock star and his younger muse, spanning 10 years of their tumultuous and passionate relationship. Each book in the Trilogy will come with a soundtrack of original music, of which the lyrics will appear in the pages of the books.
Annie is now settled in the South Bay area of Los Angeles with her family.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Sirens by Janet Fox~Blog Tour + Giveaway
Be sure to check out all the stops during this tour and check out the giveaway!
8th @ Alice Marvel
9th @ The Mod Podge Bookshelf
10th @ Rebecca's Book Blog
11th @ Chapter By Chapter
12th @ ReadingTeen
13th @ Little Library Muse
14th @ Mundie Moms
15th @ Fire & Ice
16th @ The Book Rat
17th @ Pieces of Whimsy
Sirens is the third novel in the Faithful series.
When Jo Winter’s parents send her off to live with her rich cousin on the glittering island of Manhattan, it’s to find a husband and forget about her brother Teddy’s death. But all that glitters is not gold..
Caught up in the swirl of her cousin’s bobbed-hair set—and the men that court them— Jo soon realizes that the talk of marriage never stops, and behind the seemingly boundless gains are illicit business endeavors, gangsters, and their molls. Jo would much rather spend time the handsome but quiet Charles, a waiter at the Algonquin Hotel, than drape herself over a bootlegger. But when she befriends a moll to one of the most powerful men in town, Jo begins to uncover secrets—secrets that threaten an empire and could secure Jo’s freedom from her family.
Can her newfound power buy her love? Or will it to ruin Jo, and everyone around her?

Janet S. Fox (Janet Fox) is a writer, mom, and former high school English teacher. Her first young
adult novel FAITHFUL (Speak/Penguin, 2010), was a 2011 Amelia Bloomer list pick, and is set in Yellowstone National Park in 1904. FORGIVEN, a companion YA novel (Speak/Penguin, 2011) set in 1906 San Francisco at the time of the Great Earthquake, was a Junior Library Guild selection and WILLA Literary Award finalist. Janet's third YA, SIRENS, a "noir romance" set in 1925 New York, is available now. GET ORGANIZED WITHOUT LOSING IT is her award-winning middle grade self-help book for kids (Free Spirit Publishing, 2006). Janet is a 2010 graduate of the MFA/Writing for Children and Young Adults program at Vermont College of Fine Arts and has been a Regional Advisor for the SCBWI. Janet currently lives in the mountains of Montana. The family loves dogs and is ruled by an elderly Basset hound.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Review: Dead River by Cyn Balog
Dead River
by Cyn Balog
Published by: Delacorte Press
Released on: April 9, 2024
242 Pages
Rating: 4/5
The cover of Dead River looks freaking awesome! I am a huge fan of ghostly things and in reading the synopsis, I couldn't wait to read it. What I found wasn't exactly what I expected but nonetheless, it was a good read. This is the first book that I've read by Cyn Balog and I'm looking forward to reading more by her.
Having to sneak off from her overprotected father to spend time with her boyfriend Justin and BFF Angela, Kiandra can't wait to get away. What she finds on this trip ends up being incredibly close to what her father had always been so scared about. It wasn't some exciting white water rafting trip. It's a trip that ends up explaining things from the past. Things about her mother, who died suddenly and this has always left Ki curious. This isn't the only thing she finds out. There are secrets happening right behind her back, and with it, comes new beginnings and final endings.
Received from the publisher for review purposes.
by Cyn Balog
Published by: Delacorte Press
Released on: April 9, 2024
242 Pages
Rating: 4/5
The cover of Dead River looks freaking awesome! I am a huge fan of ghostly things and in reading the synopsis, I couldn't wait to read it. What I found wasn't exactly what I expected but nonetheless, it was a good read. This is the first book that I've read by Cyn Balog and I'm looking forward to reading more by her.
Having to sneak off from her overprotected father to spend time with her boyfriend Justin and BFF Angela, Kiandra can't wait to get away. What she finds on this trip ends up being incredibly close to what her father had always been so scared about. It wasn't some exciting white water rafting trip. It's a trip that ends up explaining things from the past. Things about her mother, who died suddenly and this has always left Ki curious. This isn't the only thing she finds out. There are secrets happening right behind her back, and with it, comes new beginnings and final endings.
Received from the publisher for review purposes.
Sunday, May 5, 2024
Review: The Elite by Kiera Cass
The Elite
by Kiera Cass
Published by: HarperTeen
Released on: April 23, 2024
336 Pages
Rating: 5/5
*Please note, this review is based from an ARC*
Oh, how glad I am that I decided to read this series. The Elite has delivered such an amazing and gripping storyline. I wasn't too sure as to just what was going to happen and was so delighted by the outcome. Yet, the last few chapters totally caught me by such surprise, I couldn't stop reading until finished. Nervous and on edge as to what was to happen, and what was going down. This series is so addicting and compelling. Whether you are into princesses or strong willed people, this series will succumb you!
America holds onto her beliefs in the second book of this series. We see unexpected events occur that would've never thought possible. America's heart is broken, only to find out the true feelings of others around her. Not to mention, the feelings that others have for her. We see more girls sent away by Prince Maxon and Aspen holding onto America. Both men are there for her. It's her decision on what will happen and the events that go down might have heavy influence on her choices she makes.
Received for review purposes from HarperCollins.
by Kiera Cass
Published by: HarperTeen
Released on: April 23, 2024
336 Pages
Rating: 5/5
*Please note, this review is based from an ARC*
Oh, how glad I am that I decided to read this series. The Elite has delivered such an amazing and gripping storyline. I wasn't too sure as to just what was going to happen and was so delighted by the outcome. Yet, the last few chapters totally caught me by such surprise, I couldn't stop reading until finished. Nervous and on edge as to what was to happen, and what was going down. This series is so addicting and compelling. Whether you are into princesses or strong willed people, this series will succumb you!
America holds onto her beliefs in the second book of this series. We see unexpected events occur that would've never thought possible. America's heart is broken, only to find out the true feelings of others around her. Not to mention, the feelings that others have for her. We see more girls sent away by Prince Maxon and Aspen holding onto America. Both men are there for her. It's her decision on what will happen and the events that go down might have heavy influence on her choices she makes.
Received for review purposes from HarperCollins.
Saturday, May 4, 2024
Giveaway: ARC of Zombies Don't Forgive by Rusty Fischer
I have an ARC of Zombies Don't Forgive by Rusty Fischer up for grabs. Find out my thoughts on it here. This is the second book in the series, following Zombies Don't Cry.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Following Barracuda Bay’s homecoming cum zombie Armageddon, fellow zombies Maddy, Dane, and Stamp have fled to Orlando where they work at a theme park, hiding in plain sight at their jobs in the Great Movie Monster Makeover show. The three spend most of their time together in their apartment trying to avoid curious Normals and Sentinels—humans and zombie cops. While Dane and Maddy draw closer, Stamp drifts away, falling for a mysterious blonde. But when the mysterious girl puts their existence in danger, all Maddy cares about is hunting the blonde down to separate her from her head.
US Only
US Only
Winner must respond in 48 hours
Friday, May 3, 2024
Cover Reveal: The Butterfly Migration by Mia Castile
I have the cover for the third book in The Butterfly Chronicles for you today. It is The Butterfly Migration and it is phenomenal. Due for release on May 21st by Entwined Publishing. There is also a launch party scheduled for May 18th at Bookmamas in Irvington. If you are in the Indianapolis area, be sure to stop in and join us! If you can't make it, the event will be on U-Stream, red carpet style.

The worst day of Lacey Baxter’s life was the day her parents announced their divorce and her boyfriend Chase Livingston went into a coma. Scratch that. The worst day of her life was two months later, when he woke up and didn’t recognize her. Now, as he pushes her away, she clings to the hope that each day will be the day he remembers how much they love each other. Turning to her new BFF Byron and his circle of friends, she does whatever she can to cope with the changes. She just wants to be numb and forget about everything.
The headaches, the panic attacks, the pressure to be this perfect boyfriend are incredibly hard for Chase to bear. He doesn’t love Lacey, or at least he doesn’t think he does. Still, he doesn’t understand this strong attraction to her, or the jealousy he feels over every guy that talks to her. Losing two years of his memory means strangers think they know him and he’s not sure where he fits in. Will his memories come back over time or all at once? Should he even wish for them?
Finding each other again could be harder than either of them thought, especially when everyone knows their business and has an opinion about it.
**This is a Mature YA Series, containing subjects concerning addictions and sexual content.**
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