Allie Condie
I had anticipated this book for so long! While reading I would find myself almost furious at times, not at the book, but at the storyline, the government in the book. I would have to stop myself and remind myself that it was only a book. I don't consider myself a rebellious person, it was just very hard for me to focus to read at times. It bothers me that the excerpt from the jacket flap isn't quite how the book goes either.
Cassia lives in a world where they tell you what to do. Simple as that. They have even picked out the age when you die. They choose your meals, and even deliver them to you. When your young, you go to school, you get older, a teen, you get your Match chosen for you, as well as your job. You have to have children by the time you are thirty-one. So many decisions already made for you. Life should be easy right? Nah, not that simple. Cassia was given a match and then later given another match only to be told that the second was an error. Except, they don't make errors. So, now Cassia is confused. She knows both boys in the pictures. It would be different if she didn't know one of them but it didn't work that way. Now she is torn with what to do. She sees them both everyday. They told her that Xander is her Match that is who she is to be with. Ky was a mistake. It is impossible for her to be with him. Over time, she realizes that she no longer wants to play by the rules. She wants to be with Ky. They will not allow this. I t really is impossible for them to be together and it is now time for Cassia to take her test to see what she will do as her job. She now has to sort people. She has to sort Ky at his job. This is the worst this ever. What she decides will determine her fate.
3/5 Stars. 366 Pages. Published by Dutton. Received from Cheryl Rogers.